Android Development Applications

Android Development Tools

Android operating system has been designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.

Developed Initially by Android, Inc., backed financially by Google (later bought by Google in 2005), Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance ( a consortium of hardware, software, and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices).

Android is the buzz word in technology today with a market share of 42% across various devices worldwide. Android apps are open source unlike their competitors like iOS and Blackberry. The tools needed for their development are free and there is no need for purchase of a special developer phone or register your hardware as a development device.

Here are the Top 5 Android Development tools currently trending in the market

Android SDK
Native Development Kit(NDK)
Titanium Mobile SDK
Hyper Next Android Creator

1. Android SDK:

The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) provides you with the API libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test, and debug apps for Android. It is one of the most popular SDK used for Android.

Aspiring New Android developers can download the ADT Bundle to quickly start developing apps. It includes the essential Android SDK components and a version of the Eclipse IDE with built-in ADT (Android Developer Tools) to streamline your Android app development. These are some of the important components in ADT Bundle

Eclipse + ADT plugin
Android SDK Tools
Android Platform-tools
Current Version of the Android platform
Current Version of the Android system image for the emulatorMore
2. Native Development Kit(NDK):

The NDK is a toolset that allows android developers to implement parts of their app using native-code languages such as C and C++.NDK can be proved to be a lot of help for the developers as they can reuse existing code libraries written in these languages.

The most important point to be considered here is that NDK will not benefit most apps. Developer needs to balance its gains over draw-backs, as the native code may not always increase the performance, but generally increases the complexity. Prefer NDK only if it is essential to your app, never because you simply prefer to program in C/C++.

3. Titanium Mobile SDK:

The Titanium SDK provides community developers with an unmatched ability to create quality native, mobile web or rich hybrid applications to all platforms from a single code base, using JavaScript. With over 5,000 APIs, Titanium allows you to deliver an immersive user experience at a fraction of the time compared with traditional native platforms.

Although the Titanium suffers with some disadvantages like flexibility limitations, User Experience issues and complexity issues, Titanium still stands in the first place for Android and other cross platform apps development

4. Hyper Next Android Creator:

HyperNext Android Creator (HAC) is an easy to use software creation system that allows almost anyone to quickly start building their own Android apps that work. Apps developed on HAC enjoys good support on a wide range of devices.

HAC operation is based on HyperCard, which treats software as a stack of cards, where only one card is visible at a time and hence is quite well suited for mobile phone applications which allow single window operation.

The programming language used in HAC is "HyperNext" is much more similar to English, making it user friendly to learn and implement.


The Adobe® AIR® runtime enables developers to package the same code into native apps for iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, Nook Tablet, and other Android™ devices, reaching the mobile app stores for over 500 million devices.Running on Action Script,HTML,CSS AIR allows users mostly to develop cross platform mobile apps saving the time and minimising the development cost.

Along with these Tools there are some other tools like PhoneGap, BatteryTech SDK that should not be missed out.

Android Development Applications

Google's android technology is an interesting, thought-provoking one that has android development gaining momentum across the world. A simple search on android brings out thousands of pages all discussing the potential this new piece of technology is giving the android application developer.

There are tutorials and articles, even sample codes that all serve the purpose of empowering the android application developer and implement various features of their creative software works. On some specific websites , sample codes offered include those of real-world android platform applications, that one can make and deploy. These codes clearly show all the amazing techniques in use in the android development environment.

There are also numerous articles with loads of tips, optimization strategies and DIY / how-to pieces, that give you the knowledge-base to further understand this particular environment as an android app developer. Tutorials seek to take you through the basics of what an android app is to more advanced-level skills in application development using the technology on offer.

You could also download the android software development kit (SDK) that runs on Windows, Linux as well as Mac OS. It is pretty much easy to set up this SDK. First you need a PC with appropriate features. On Windows, you just install the SDK much the same way as you install any other software on a Windows-based system. After this, you will ready to explore what the android development kit contains. You will get to know the basics on what an android application developer needs to know, what the Android SDK offers and how to integrate whatever application you may have into the overall platform.

Another thing included in this SDK is what is known as the framework topics. These take you through all the baby steps through to internalizing what APIs you may need to advanced skills like user interface development and data manipulation on the android platform.

The android market topics aim at showing you how to not only publish your application as an android app developer, but also the steps to take to ensure you earn from your ideas.

It is important to note that like any other application development platform, android is also fast changing, with various versions out. So you need to appraise yourself on what is current and what may not necessarily work out well. At the present, an android application developer would require the all-new Android 3.2 platform.

In a nut-shell, android development is like a blank slate for an astute android application developer. You can turn nothing into something and earn from it!

Apple has been a solid brand in the mobile industry ever since they started. We've seen iPhones and iPads, all ranging from decent to excellent quality devices. Of course, every new system has its issues, but Apple always played on the ball pretty quickly. They deliver high quality hardware, but a bit lackluster software in certain areas.

I'll give you a simple example. The menu of your iPhone or iPad. It's not too easy to change the layout of things, or to customize it, as they say. Apple has put up certain restrictions in what you can and cannot do, with the standard software. Of course, smart people have found a way around this, but still, charging bucketloads of money for a high quality product without being able to add a personal touch? A bit strange if you ask me....

Another software related issue that held me back from ever buying an iPhone or an iPad, is the necessity to use iTunes. iTunes is a great program, don't get me wrong. I use it on a bi-weekly basis for my iPod. However, I expected more from apple in regards to their iPhones and iPads. Any media you might want to load on the internal memory of said devices, requires iTunes. Up to a certain degree, i can understand the need to use an additional program.

But iTunes is so clunky to use. It's slow at times. It takes ages to complete file transfers. It doesn't even allow you to keep some original media formats, because it has to be converted first. All in all, for me personally, this s a rather negative aspect of the otherwise excellent products. I just prefer to get things done properly, fast, and hassle free.

Next up, we got Google, with the Android OS.

Google has become a household brand to anyone even remotely connected to internet or technology. They have come a long way, however, they also still have quite a long way to go. I'm an Android user myself (not necessarily a fanboi though), and I like the state Android is in.

It doesn't fill all my needs though. I'm a media person. None of the Android OSes, being it official releases or customized ROM, can fully satisfy me. There is a light at the end of the tunnel i think, but we'll have to eagerly await and see what the future holds in store for us.

The biggest downside of the Android OS is this: Gingerbread is fine for smartphones,however not all models will see an (official) Gingerbread version. For tablets, Honeycomb is an excellent piece of software, but not all tablets get an upgrade to Honeycombs, which is supposed to be THE Android OS until we get Ice Cream Sandwich to get a "unified experience from both worlds".

In this regard, Apple is more consistent in making a complete OS to cover that certain device's needs and strengths. I'm pretty sure Ice Cream Sandwich (from what I've seen so far) makes a big step in the right direction. But there's still work to be done after that. But we're getting ahead of ourselves here, we'll come back to Ice Cream Sandwich later on.

This all brings us to Blackberry. Where to start on this matter?

Blackberry has been a norm for business users, and also a fair share of non-business users, for years. Everyone had to own a Blackberry to ensure an optimal mobile experience on their smartphones, or their tablets. And Blackberry still delivers some excellent business functionality on its devices. If it works properly, that is.

I'm sure you have all heard about the recent Blackberry outage, which left most (if not all) its users worldwide without e-mail and internet services for a few days. We're not talking about a few hundred people here folks, we're talking about a GLOBAL OUTAGE of the most used services on a smartphone or tablet. After everything was sorted, they tried to make up for this by giving everyone "over one hundred dollars worth of premium applications for free".

Now, let's be honest here, how many of you had 3 or more useful premium apps in that package? Basically, most of you got diddly squat. Which means Blackberry only made up to the business users, if they actually had any use for the premium apps, that is. All other users got left in the cold. A recent survey pointed out that 60% of current Blackberry users will not sign up for a new Blackberry device after their contract expires. Ouch!

On a brighter note, this will not be the end of Blackberry, nor RIM. But the same applies to Blackberry as it does for Google: set a step in the right direction, and keep pushing forward from that point on. If you want people to stay with Blackberry, or even attract new customers, you'll have to get your act together rather sooner than later.

Last but not least, we have Microsoft's Windows Mobile.

This could actually be the dark horse in this race in my opinion. Windows Mobile has been around for a while, hasn't achieved any great successes, but it hasn't been put out of business by the other competitors either. It's always been around, and trust me, it will be around for much longer after competitors might have disappeared into obscurity.

Microsoft's Windows Mobile, or Windows Phone as it has been formally known as, has been a synonym for quality user experiences (mostly at least), combined with decent hardware, in a trust Windows-esque environment. Windows Phone has always been aimed at the customers, and not necessarily at enterprises, compared to Blackberry's RIM.

After facing cancellation in development in 2004, Microsoft reorganised the Windows Mobile Group, leading to the first, albeit interim,Windows Mobile launch in 2009. Things didn't start off well, because Windows Mobile wasn't compatible with any Windows Phone applications. This was to blame on a lack of resources and time.

Eventually, the naming of the OS changed to Windows Phone 7. (Sounds catchy, don't you think?) As of this writing, Microsoft has sealed a deal with Nokia (yes, they are still around) to distribute Windows Phone 7 on a new line of smartphones coming to a place near you. However, those exact places are still undisclosed as of now. You have to love a bit of mystery people!

Part 2: The future?

In my opinion, this fatal four-way will lead to a three-horse race, with the other player sitting in the seats watching on and slowly biding their masterfully skilled return plan to the scene. I'll explain my future vision of mobile world:

The top two brands will remain Apple, with their iOS, and Google, with their Android OS. Both companies seem to be heading down the same path in terms of software development, user experience, and hardware upgrades. However, Apple still has a big head start, because they control all aspects of the manufacturing and development process.

Android will keep on increasing mobile devices' sales (not shipped units, actual sales), but remain a bit behind Apple's undisputed leadership of the current market. A twist for the leadership might happen at some point in the future, but I wouldn't expect it in the first years. However, slowly yet steadily, we will see the market evening out.

Windows Mobile will be appealing to most low-end, non-technical users. They have a line of decent smartphones coming up, which are easy to use with decent hardware under the hood, produced by Nokia. Not everyone wants to pay big money for a smartphone, and most certainly not everyone needs all functions available on iOS or Android smartphones or tablets. Will we ever see Windows Mobile on a tablet? Only time will tell, but it would be a smart decision in my opinion.

Blackberry's RIM will ultimately be left behind in years to come if they don't step up their game towards both regular consumers, and enterprises. They may very well leave the mobile market altogether, and never be heard from again in this regard. Or they could surprise us all and become the number one company in the business. Who can tell?